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Avoiding plagiarism on Day in History
Day in History strives for the success of writers and to give a pleasant reading experience to our readers.
Every writer contributing to our publications must review all these guiding policies before submitting their stories. We are tolerant, but these are non-negotiable rules.
Day in History requires you to utilize at least three sources for your article. Double check your facts, dates, quotes and provide good, clean copy.
We have a zero tolerance to plagiarism on Day in History. Any quotes you use must be properly attributed.
No Defamation, Discrimination, and Hate Speech Published.
Author is responsible to abide for all copyright laws, publisher takes no liability for writerβs failure to secure permission or properly attribute work.
Commentary is permitted in your article, however you need to attribute it as so. We are not attempting to rewrite history here, reporting it accurately is mandatory.
No use of affiliate links.
The purpose of this story is to confirm and clarify that Day in History has zero tolerance forβ¦