Member-only story
Squire Beetle’s Thanksgiving Party
Grandma Ann’s poem
Squire Beetle’s Thanksgiving Party
Squire Beetle gave a party, had a great Thanksgiving feast
Of all the things you could think of, or well nearly all at least
You should have seen the table, loaded down from end to end
All the bugs, except the Humbugs were invited to attend
Glug the frog and Johnny Rabbit sat together near the head
And they nearly laughed their eyes out at what Myrtle Turtle said
She recited funny pieces, one about a candy pup
who had a taste for sweet things that it ate itself all up
Old Judge Squash and Dr. ‘Tatoe were there as big as life
Also Mr. Roach was present with his daughter and his wife
All the bugs kept asking why the Roaches should be there
Beetle said at Thanksgiving friendship should be everywhere
But it seems there are some people who refuse to be refined
And the Roaches, if one judges by their acts, were of that kind
How they stuffed! Nellie Roach sent back her plate